Sustainable Solutions...

Our dairy has been growing alfalfa to feed our 880 milking cows since 1962. With 200 plus acres currently in production, this amazing crop not only feeds our cows but it also has the ability to improve the soil by sequestering carbon and providing nutrients to the soil. Today, alfalfa is considered to be the world’s most sustainable crop and it even has it’s own conference, “World Alfalfa Congress 2022”!

This valuable crop is bringing hope to the agricultural community as we look to employ strategies to work with the ever-changing climate and best practices for sustainable farming. Our dairy participated in the conference to learn more and continue to improve. See why growing alfalfa is beneficial and learn about this conference in the Hay and Forage Grower article, “World Alfalfa Congress Features Agronomic, Environmental, Economic Impact of World’s Most Sustainable Crop“, from September 13, 2022.

Read California Farm Bureau Federation’s article,“Commentary: Why alfalfa is ideal for California and the Southwest”, to learn about some surprising environmental benefits of growing alfalfa and how it helps us reduce our carbon footprint.

We started collecting brewery grains to augment what we feed our herd, including its complete young stock replacement program, in 2000. In 2012, we added food scraps, fruits, vegetables and discarded bakery materials. Our sister company, KD Farms Trucking, currently collects more than 50 tons of this material per day which makes the herd very happy. Fruit and vegetable pulp collection began in 2014, and accounts for more than 430 tons per month. Discarded bakery products add up to another 225 tons per month, and brewery grains exceed 1,000 tons monthly. Our dairy cows are not only recycling food products, they are upcycling! Check out the article published on Time USA’s website, “Cows Are The Unlikely Heroes In The Fight Against Food Waste”.

Our other sister company, San Pasqual Valley Soils, processes the dairy manure into a rich compost certified for use in organic agriculture. The facility also receives 1,000 tons of landscape trimmings every month, which is processed into a full line of soil-enhancing composts and mulches. 

The diversion of 2,655 tons of food scraps and landscape trimmings from the landfill results in 2,388 metric tons/month of avoided CO2E emissions and is equivalent to removing more than 6,058 cars off the road. For every month KD Farms is in business, the life of the Miramar Landfill is extended by an equivalent of one day! These are some of many sustainable practices the dairy employs. And we are striving to do more.